There’s an easy way to read info from env file.
It’s quite useful when you don’t want to pass info via CLI or hard code the it in Dockerfile or compose.yaml.
Basically create an .env file in root of your project near compose.yaml
Example of .env:
DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_PASSWORD=p4ssword DB_HOST=sixthdesk-mysql-1 DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=sixthdesk DB_USERNAME=root
And finally within compose.yaml you can read the value from file like so:
services: mysql: image: mysql ports: - "3306:3306" networks: - my-network environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: ${DB_PASSWORD} volumes: - mysql_docker_host:/var/lib/mysql backend: image: verax5/sixthdesk ports: - "8000:8000" networks: - my-network volumes: - type: bind source: ~/Sites/sixthdesk target: /var/www/html networks: my-network: {} volumes: mysql_docker_host: {}
You can now run docker compose up to execute compose.yaml and the values will be available to use!
Note I’m using docker 24.